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Miss Billings is all set for summer. She has her beach bag with her sun block, her beach towel, sunglasses, lipstick, and other sundry beach items, but most importantly she has her summer reading list -- especially designed for beach reading, poolside reading, cabin reading, tar beach reading, you get the picture.

Miss Billings is heading off for a brief stint in London and then Brussels and its environs with her beau. Other than that, she will be enjoying her usual surroundings with an occasional excursion to visit friends and relatives. In addition to the list below, Miss Billings strongly suggests looking through the previous book recommendations list for summer reading -- there are many great summer reading books there too -- like The Sheik, Rebecca, The Greengage Summer, Independence Day, and so on.

On to Miss Billings new summer list. From her friends at HarperCollins, their well-received summer reading novel:

Getting Over It, by Anna Maxted.

The perils and adventures of a twenty-something, Helen Bradshaw, who finds her whole life crumbling. Her crappy job, her awful choice in men, including her most recent boyfriend, a veterinarian with an over fondness for some of his patients, roommates and friends who drive her crazy, and then the jolt of the death of her father. All this sends Helen into a tailspin that is funny, wry, and deeply human. We can all relate to something about Helen's life. Purchase it.

From Abbeville Press:

Antonio Gaudi: Master Architect, by Juan Bassegoda Nonell, photography by Melba Levick.

Gaudi is considered one of the most admired architects of the 20th Century. Most of the wondrous, marvelous buildings he created are in Barcelona, Spain. This book has splendid photographs of Gaudi's art (we wanted to show you two below), and his work can send you into spasms of ecstasy. Miss Billings remembers seeing an exhibition of some of Gaudi's furniture (yes, he did furniture too), at the Alan Stone Gallery in New York a few years back, and was just blown away. Enjoy the imagination and fantasy of this man who must have known real joy. Purchase it.

Three of the spires of Gaudi's most famous achievement -- the Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona. Note the stone-carved cypress tree (a symbol of Christ) with white doves representing blessed souls alighting on it -- all carved from stone.

The Casa Milà in Barcelona. 
Both images used by permission of Abbeville Press.

The Magus, by John Fowles. A can't-put-it-down, erotic, mysterious tale of the adventures of a young man on a Greek island, who becomes involved with some very curious but alluring people. A definite must. Purchase it.

Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert. An oldie but a goodie. One of the great novels. This one is sensational, and you can't get through life without reading it. It will change you. Purchase it.

The Deptford Trilogy, by Robertson Davies. Miss Billings recommends just about anything written by this wonderful Canadian writer, but start with this one. It's fantastic, and once again, a page turner. Purchase it.

Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy. The 19th Century was certainly a time of the great novel, Russian, French, English, etc. Don't be intimidated; this isn't War And Peace. A beautiful book, and you know from the first paragraph that you are just going to be in heaven reading this tragic, gorgeous tale. You can't go through life without reading this one either. Purchase it.

Fear of Flying, by Erica Jong. Let's do the time warp again! Back to the 70's when this book was all people were talking about. Jong put the capital W, S and R in Women's Sexual Revolution with this book. It probably reads like the Middle Ages now, but it's very funny and people don't change even if mores do. So prepare for landing. Purchase it.

One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Miss Billings read this amazing novel about 10 years ago in Paris, and it is unforgettable. Columbian born Marquez is a Nobel Prize recipient, and his other books are also must reads. But this one holds a special place in Miss Billings' heart, and the ending...she doesn't want to give it away, but it's incredible. Purchase it.

Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands: A Moral and Amorous Tale, by Jorge Amado. Also from South America, this time Brazil, a happy, sweet, poignant and lusty tale of a remarried widow who pines for her first husband. Marvelous. Dona Flor was also made into a charming movies with Sonia Braga. Catch it on video or at a film festival. Purchase it.

The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train Through Asia, by Paul Theroux. If Gina's editor's letter didn't get you inspired to wanderlust, this book will. One of the greatest of travel writers, Theroux's account of his journey is life altering, and will have you packing your bag to go go go! Purchase it.

That's the list for June. Again, check the past book recommendations for more escaping into marvelous times and places. See you next month!

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