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FF: And one more thing as a follow up: when you said that you get a lot of scripts and a lot of them are, you know, scene three she takes her clothes off or whatever, and they’re not exactly the kind of challenge that you’re interested in doing. I always feel that there certainly don’t seem from what I see on television and in the movies to be a sufficient amount of really good meaty roles for young women and women a little older than you.

Do you find that this is a problem in the kind of scripts that are sent to you? And that there should be more of them?

Rebecca Herbst: I think the scripts are out there. The great roles for kids my age are a dime a dozen. Those films do get produced, and there’ll be like the one film during the year that everybody goes, oh, did you see that movie, did you see that movie?

And then there are so many others that do get produced that I would never do. And I think those are more appealing to a lot of people. Not to me. I’m not going to mention any movies right now, but I’m not the type of person that’s into doing cheapness, or as I said before, anything that’s going to compromise my standards.

If it’s going to take me taking off my clothes to make it in this business, then this business is not for me. That’s the way I feel about it.

And I will wait. I’ll wait until that perfect role comes along. I’m not in any hurry to just get on the big screen.

FF: And one last question: when you do have some down time, which I’m sure you don’t have much of, how do you like to enjoy your leisure time?

Rebecca Herbst: Well, when I have the day off, I’m a big sleeper-inner. I’m such a night owl, I could stay up till three-thirty in the morning, no problem. Just doing whatever. My sister and I right now are really into making bracelets. I guess it’s the new thing, where it’s the little crystal bracelets that cost from anywhere from ten to thirty dollars. And we’re making them for four dollars. You know. So we’re really into doing that. And we’ll stay up pretty late, and then I could sleep in until twelve, one o’clock in the afternoon, no problem.

My mom hates it. She can’t stand it, but I just am like that. I could totally sleep in. But then once I do get up, I’ve been shopping a lot, especially for the holidays. But even when the holidays aren’t around, I shop. My sister and I love the outlet malls.

FF: Oh, you’re lucky you’ve got them there.

Rebecca Herbst: Oh yeah, we’ve got great ones out here. And we love doing it. I mean my sister and I, we don’t shop at the malls any more because the prices are just so outrageous. Where at the outlet mall, oh, everything’s a bargain. And then during the summertime, again, my sister’s my best friend if you haven’t figured that out. We do everything together. We go Rollerblading down at the beach because she lives near the beach. So we go Rollerblading a lot.

Rebecca's sister Jenny.
John Russo

FF: Excellent. Do you ever come into New York City?

Rebecca Herbst: Well, yeah. Not for vacation though.

FF: Oh for work.

Rebecca Herbst: For work, yeah.

FF: So no time to shop when you’re here.

Rebecca Herbst: No, I shop when I’m there.

FF: Oh, okay.

Rebecca Herbst: We always take a couple of days out and we definitely do some shopping there.

Rebecca Herbst: But I’ll tell you, it’s like Fifth Avenue -- there’s no way. It’s so expensive. It’s really nice to go window shopping in all those beautiful stores, but it’s like Rodeo Drive here.

FF: Exactly.

Rebecca Herbst: Just unreasonably expensive. And even if I had that type of money to afford a thirteen hundred dollar dress, I would never buy stuff like that. I just can’t. I’m not that type of person. I can’t imagine throwing down that much money for something I know I can get for eighty dollars.

FF: Right. Well, when you guys come again, you should hit the East Village and some of the other neighborhoods, where there are younger designers who are doing equally beautiful work for a whole lot less money.

Rebecca Herbst: Oh, okay.

FF: East Ninth Street and a couple of places like that. I featured a leather designer who does stuff I think is as beautiful as Gucci, and I mean she’s actually reasonably priced compared to anything that Gucci is selling. And she makes the most amazing leather clothing.

Rebecca Herbst: Oh cool. I’m really into leather right now. I’ve never been into leather in my life, and I just bought myself a leather jacket and a pair of pants. So I couldn’t believe I did it, but I love them.

FF: It can be really beautiful. Well, thank you so much for your time.

Rebecca Herbst: Oh, you’re welcome.

FF: I wish you all the best of luck. I think you have a great career ahead of you -- you already have it, but I mean I think you’re going to be tremendously successful. And just keep doing what you’re doing. I think your beliefs and your convictions are great.

Rebecca Herbst: Thank you.

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