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Peter DeFreitas: The actual painting of it is the shortest part.  That can really take a very little amount of time.   It’s in actually creating the foundation for her, and like how she’s going to pose, and the movement. And it’s not even a figuring out.  It’s just like letting the hand go, letting it go, letting it go.

A lot of people, when they see the rough drawings, those beginning drawings, they’re like "Wow, those are so beautiful, those are so beautiful!"  And, there’s a great feeling there.   But there’s something for me that’s incomplete.  I want to bring her more to life, to put color on her, and I want to dress her.  One of the things that I’ve noticed with designing clothes is that you have a vision of what the woman would look like in it.  And it has to go through so many processes before it actually gets finished, and it’s fitted, and it’s you know, and then it’s on a runway, and there are so many processes.

With illustration, what’s so great about it is, you start to create it, and it’s like in these rough drawings, and then you can paint it.  And then once it’s painted it’s like….

FF: She doesn’t say she doesn’t like it! She doesn’t complain!

Peter DeFreitas: No, she never complains.  She never complains.

Peter's US representative is
Irmeli Holmberg (212) 545-9155.
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