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Peter DeFreitas: I always wanted to paint.   When I was much younger it was something that I thought I would be doing.  You know--I would be painting.  Really, my dream was to be an artist. And what that ended up being was that I thought I couldn’t do it, because I felt that as an artist you have to have something to say and then you paint it. But the older I got the more I realize that it’s the other way around--you paint it, and whatever you paint is an expression of what you’re saying. And so I kind of grew up thinking I’m too stupid to figure out what it is that I want to say.  It was like, oh I guess I can’t be an artist.

FF: Oh no!

Peter DeFreitas: I didn’t really pursue it.  But I’m really looking forward to creating an opportunity for myself to do that more.

FF: Did you study art in college?

Peter DeFreitas: No, not really. I mean I took art through school, through high school and so on. And because I had an ability with it, my art teachers, whenever there were opportunities for me to take any kind of other outside programs, like scholarship things, I’d sort of have that opportunity. And I took a few things at the art college here, just like little classes on the weekend they had designed for high school students.

But I did not go to an art college to study. What I ended up doing was I got involved in fashion design...

FF: I see...

Peter DeFreitas: ...and I started working with this designer in the early Eighties.  And after I’d worked with him for a little while, I realized this is something that I really liked and enjoyed doing, and I went back to school for that.   And it was a way of me being able to draw and draw women.  Because that was something that I always drew, and design clothes at the same time.  So illustration’s always been a part of what I do.  And it definitely has provided me with a lot in the industry, and it certainly offered me opportunities, because there are a lot of designers that don’t illustrate.

FF: Yes, that’s right.

Peter DeFreitas: And it was kind of like, that’s a lot of the reason why I get a lot of this work that I do. Because I have the ability to be able to express it so people can see it right away.

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