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Peter DeFreitas: I’ve had a few people that I’ve done some work with say, "You know what?  The neck’s too long."  I’m like, okay.  And I try, and it’s like I come back, and I shorten them.  And for me they lose something.  And after I did that one particular time, I just said you know what, this is just how I believe.  This is how I do it.

FF: And is that also true of the way you do the features of the face, with the full lips and the big eyes and….

Peter DeFreitas: Yeah. They’re weird, because I mix my own skin tones.

FF: Oh, you do.

Peter DeFreitas: That’s the beauty about this marker; you can mix your own colors.  So I mix my own skin tones, because I’ve found that some of the skin tones are too pink or too beige.  And so what I do is, I mix those two colors together, and I get this sort of golden-y, kind of mulatto, kind of color.  And yet the girls have this kind of wide-eyed look to them.  They have this Asian feeling.

FF: Yes.

Peter DeFreitas: The people at Latina magazine were like, yeah, these girls look Latino, and I’m like, yeah I guess.  I think what’s really neat is that my mother hadn’t seen my old faces for quite a while, and when she finally saw them and she saw some of the girls, she goes  "These look like your cousins!"  And I’m like, what do you mean my cousins?  But actually, I have a lot of Asian cousins, because in South America I have a couple of aunts who are Asian.  And the mixture of dark skin and dark hair and wide eyes, or fair-haired and dark skin--I think it’s a whole mixing up of, not gender, but you know crossing it all up.

FF: Right; it’s all there. It’s all included.

Peter DeFreitas:     It doesn’t really isolate anyone.

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